On February 10th from 12-2 the Public Space Working Group and the Center for the Humanities will host a special event in the James Gallery on the ground floor of the Graduate Center. We hope you will join us for this exciting and provocative talk about urban space in Cairo during the Arab Spring with a response by our own Claire Panetta.
Clean Up and Shape Up! Revolution, Bodies and Urban Space in Egpyt
Jessica Winegar | Anthropology | Northwestern University
response by Claire Panetta | Anthropology | the CUNY Graduate Center
Friday, February 10, 2012 | 12-2pm
The James Gallery | ground floor
The CUNY Graduate Center
365 5th Avenue, NYC
This working paper discusses young, middle class activists’ attempts to remake people’s relationships to urban space in the aftermath of Mubarak’s resignation in February 2011. It examines the deep political-economic factors, from the Mubarak era, that led to a deluge of garbage cleaning and urban beautification projects, as well as campaigns to change people’s movement and behavior in public space. The reproduction of social hierarchies in these projects suggests the limits of revolutionary practice.
For working group members there will be a bridge piece circulated before the talk. The presentation will be followed by an open discussion. See you there!
This event is free and open to the public.