Reading Bookchin Today
June 20, 2023 at 5PM EDT
A book launch of Remaking Society by Murray Bookchin and Recovering Bookchin by the late Andy Price, published by AK Press in 2022. With: Bill McKibben, Debbie Bookchin, Shane Burley, and Marina Sitrin.
Against the backdrop of the deepening ecological crisis, extreme economic inequality, and rising authoritarianism worldwide, a better path forward is needed as never before. For those of us who strive for a better world, Murray Bookchin’s work provides a theoretical and practical framework that can guide our struggles for liberation. As Debbie Bookchin and Marina Sitrin write in the new foreword to the reissued Remaking Society, “Bookchin teaches us that the ecological crisis we face today is grounded in domination of humans over humans. He argues that we cannot solve the ecological crisis and thus the climate crisis without eliminating domination in the social sphere, including but not limited to gender and patriarchy, race and ethnic hierarchy, age, ableism, and economics.” Drawing on rich traditions of ecological science, anthropology, history, utopian philosophy, and ethics, Remaking Society offers a coherent framework for social and ecological reconstruction. It is wonderfully complemented by the new edition of Recovering Bookchin that disentangles this important thinker’s ideas from the controversies and polemics that obscured his later work.
The event is hosted by AK Press and co-sponsored by the Institute for Social Ecology, the SUNY Binghamton Department of Sociology, and the Center for Place, Culture and Politics of CUNY Graduate Center.