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    1. Ülkenize gelmek istiyorum,fakat ekonomik şartlar nedeniyle gelemiyorum bu konuda nasıl yardımcı olursunuz

    2. I am a teacher at a public university of Bahia, UNEB, University of Bahia, northeastern Brazil. I Master’s degree in geography at UFBA, Federal University of Bahia and currently do a doctorate in geography at Unicamp, Campinas State University. My research relates place, territory, culture and religion of African origin, searching for a dialogue between dialectical materialism and phenomenology. I’m happy to get this contact with you.

    3. Iam Lía, from Buenos Aires, Argentina, just wanted to be in touch, know what you are doing and plan to go there for some work. Thank you! I’m glad to be in touch.

    4. Thank you for your honest and thorough analysis. You put it all in such nice words. This is important for a country cultural improvement and political elasticity. Nice post thanks a lot.

    5. Wow, I never knew about this blog before. I appreciate your efforts and glad that I found your blog. Interrogating the Space between Law and Justice between Pakistan and US. Thanks for share your views.

    6. The problem with Greece is that it was bankrupt already before it joined the Euro zone. And nearly everyone involved secretly knew the books were “cooked”. But one wanted Greece in the Euro rather than be “single” because it is a geographically strategic NATO partner. Greece should have defaulted prior to joining the Euro, then joined with a “clean sheet”. Creditors might have found that, given a sensible economic policy “from then on”, credible. Now no one believes, that someone like Varoufakis, whose immodest proposal says “give us more money” and hide the sources by spreading it across a few development banks and funds (financed all the while still by the European taxpayer – there IS no free lunch). So, if anything, the monies should come out of the NATO budget. But then Turkey would want some subsidies too. Syriza campaigned on a popular ticket saying “all these billions” never made it to Greece. Of course not – if you owe other banks money and then try to consolidate your debts, that consolidation money goes to these creditor banks, not to you, the bankrupt debtor. When i read this blatant lie from Varoufakis which he repeats without batting an eye lid at every occasion I knew that Syriza was a worse bunch of con people than all the oligarchic parties before them!

    7. “… exacerbated the social crisis …” I am at a bit of a loss: “austerity” policies means that the government takes lees money from the available funds in the “market” that could finance jobs etc. in other words, if the government taxes less and/or issues less government bonds, by and large, more money remains in the “real” economy, no? If, on the other hand, the government “skims” off such monies via taxes and/or bond issuance, then this money flows into the government’s coffers, only to be redistributed along rather mostly arbitrary lines. However, in collecting and then redistributing, the government, which is not a not-for-profit run by people doing “pro bono” jobs but pays considerablv wages to the tax COLLECTORS as well as the REDISTRIBUTORS of such monies, “wastes”, by design, some of that money. How on earth can, with this reduced input, you expect the economy to be better off than if you left the moneys there in the first place?

    8. Pingback: VIDEO: Urban Uprisings Conference | The Center for Place, Culture and Politics

    9. Pingback: VIDEO+PODCAST: Mahmood Mamdani – DEFINE AND RULE: Native as Political Identity | The Center for Place, Culture and Politics

    10. Pingback: VIDEO: Norma Guillard – Maestra! The Cuban Literacy Campaign | The Center for Place, Culture and Politics

    11. Pingback: VIDEO: Pankaj Mishra – From the Ruins of Empire Book Talk | The Center for Place, Culture and Politics

    12. Hi!
      So glad you’re holding this event. Not sure I can be there tomorrow, but will attend with a family member on Friday for sure. Also happy about the “no registration” policy. Was afraid we’d be closed out – but all we have to do is show up early enough to get a seat. Thank you, thank you!

      Sandra Carrington

    13. Will this be recorded? I have to attend another conference, but would love to get access to any videorecordings after. Please tell me you are recording this….

      • The sessions held at the Grad Center will be livestreamed, however we do not yet have the URL. We will post it as soon as it is available. All of the events will be filmed, however, and video will be posted on this site as soon as possible.

    14. Please send me the final program for the “Confronting Racial Capitalism” conference and will I need to pre-register? Is there a conference fee?

      • The conference is free and seating will be on a first-come-first-serve basis. If you have special accessibility needs, please email us and we can do our best to make accommodations for you.