Close to the Edge: The Global Hip Hop Generation by Sujatha Fernandes
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Skylight Conference Room, 9th Floor
Is the global hip hop ‘hood more a fantasy than a reality? Hip hop galvanized the imagination of young people around the world, but it couldn’t erase the difficulties of translating lives, cultures, and political visions.
#OccupyWallStreet Demands Working Group Panel
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
New School Room 407
The Demands Working Group of Occupy Wall Street unanimously endorsed and is circulating for discussion the following PROPOSED demand, which will be submitted to the General Assembly of OWS […]
Guantánamo at Home: An Evening with Families of US Terror Suspects
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Proshansky Auditorium
As the tenth anniversary of September 11th is commemorated across the country, most public attention to the civil liberties and human rights abuses of the US ‘War on Terror’ still focuses overseas – to the abuses at Guantánamo, Bagram, and CIA rendition sites. This event is focused on the stories of families whose loved ones are suffering rights abuses in terrorism cases being prosecuted within the American federal judicial system. Family members will tell their own stories of the human and civil rights violations here in US courts and prisons.
Ours to Master and to Own: Workers’ Control from the Commune to the Present
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Room 5114, CUNY Graduate Center
Capitalism would have us believe we need our bosses. Tonight’s discussion reveals the history of workers who dare to disagree.
Google v. China: Film Screening and Discussion with Ying Zhu
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Room 9204
Information is key to the new global geopolitical and geoeconomic frontier. In a fight to regulate information flow, the Chinese government has blocked Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and censored information that it deems detrimental in the name of “Chinese national interest.” Last year Google refused to comply with Chinese censorship laws and moved its search engine servers to Hong Kong, leaving room for Chinese homegrown search engine Baidu to expand significantly. The Google China Standoff calls attention to the restricted nature of cyberspace and the visibility of the state in regulating, virtually, national borders. As political interest is imbued with economic interest, the long-fought global trade war is now on information. Meanwhile, unfiltered information is becoming a precious good for netizens.
Etienne Balibar: Europe, America, and the Crisis
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Skylight Conference Room, 9th Floor
Etienne Balibar (°1942) is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Paris-X. As one of Louis Althusser’s most brilliant students in the 1960s, Etienne Balibar contributed to the collective theoretical masterpiece of Reading Capital. Since then he has established himself amongst the most subtle philosophical and political thinkers in France.
MUSLIM ZION by Faisal Devji
4:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Martin E. Segal Theatre
Faisal Devji is University Reader in Modern South Asian History at St. Antony’s College, University of Oxford. He is interested in the political thought of modern Islam as well as in the transformation of liberal categories and democratic practice in South Asia. Devji’s broader concerns are with ethics and violence in a globalized world, particularly with the thought and practices of Mahatma Gandhi, who was among the earliest and perhaps most perceptive commentator on this predicament of our times.
Public Screening of the documentary: Open to the Public?
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Room 5414
This documentary takes a critical look at the history and future of public space–from the Agora to shopping malls to NYC’s community gardens. The film unrolls the complicated relationship between public and private control over space.
The 9/11 Effect with Amy Goodman
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Proshansky Auditorium
What began as an emergency law-enforcement response to a traumatic domestic attack has been institutionalized in what amounts to a state of permanent emergency. In the decade since the attacks of September 11, 2001, federal agencies have built a vast homeland security infrastructure in which enhanced domestic intelligence and surveillance programs have become the norm.
Tropic of Chaos: Christian Parenti in conversation with David Harvey
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
The James Gallery, Ground Floor
In TROPIC OF CHAOS: Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence (Nation Books; July 1, 2011), award-winning writer Christian Parenti argues that the new era of climate war has begun, intertwining environmental disasters, poverty, social inequality, and violence in the Global South.